Free Style selected SJPR to conduct preliminary research of it’s product line and it’s benefit towards creating awareness among the Hispanic consumers.
Our research revealed that while Hispanics are 1.5 times more likely to die of diabetes and 66% more likely to develop type-2 diabetes than non-Hispanic whites, Hispanics tend to reject the use of glucose monitoring systems based on fear, a perception that it is unnecessary, and overall rejects the need for daily disease management.

SJPR’s efforts focused on developing a mass media Hispanic-focused campaign that was powerful enough to counteract the competitive activity within the regulatory and budgetary constrictions.
Our strategy focused on utilizing the endorsement like qualities of Promotoras whom are highly specialized and trained to provide basic health education in the community without being a professional health care worker.
Our tactical platform became grass-roots events, festivals and partnership marketing of high-cultural resonance as a means to introduce and demonstrate the benefits of their product.
While the results are confidential, the high-impact public relations programs resulted in establishing our client as a recognized and respected brand leader in preventing disease and fighting diabetes with Hispanic community.